
Is it right to revise the Bible?

From Kairos, two issues on the Bible. Great Bible verses (that Christians don’t use): It’s true — the Bible is literally filled to the brim with verses that you wouldn’t want your children reading. A review of Biblical Authority: A Critique of the Rogers/McKim Proposal by John Woodbridge. This year marks the four hundredth anniversary of an influential translation of the Bible; Scott McLemee hears echoes of it everywhere. Gordon Douglas on 10 Biblical atrocities that go overlooked (and part 2). Americans say that the Bible is central to them — a divine instruction manual for life on earth; how is it, then, that they know so little of it? A review of The Rise and Fall of the Bible: The Unexpected History of an Accidental Book by Timothy Beal (and more). The Bible condemns many things in the story of Sodom, but homosexuality is not one of them. Biblical justice: The Bible’s social vision isn’t as simple as many think — this contradictory book can be as radical as it is repressive. Why study Biblical languages? Nicholas Frankovich investigates. How biblical literalism took root: The Bible doesn't state that it should be read literally — yet an all-or-nothing approach is the core of many Christians' faith. Two new books argue that the Bible isn't the squeaky-clean endorsement of no-sex-until-marriage that conservatives say it is. Timothy Beal introduces five different versions of the Bible, from the New Oxford Annotated edition to less traditional "green" and feminist takes. A review of The Legacy of the King James Bible: Celebrating 400 Years of the Most Influential English Translation by Leland Ryken. Jacques Berlinerblau on atheists in Biblical scholarship. An interview with Jennifer Wright Knust, author of Unprotected Texts: The Bible’s Surprising Contradictions about Sex and Desire. Michael Maudlin, an editor of the new C.S. Lewis Bible — a Bible annotated with Lewis quotations — says he does not want to make of Lewis a “personality cult”, but the cult is here, and growing. A review of Read and Share Bible: More than 200 Best-loved Bible Stories by Gwen Ellis. Theologians launch the Good Book Blog to tackle Biblical illiteracy. Is it right to revise the Bible? The New American Bible is not the first Catholic bible to be updated to reflect changes in the way English is understood, but the latest revisions are controversial. A look at how God's wife Asherah was edited out of the Bible.