
Consistent over time

Marco Fanara (UPeace): Cultural Relativism Versus Sexual Rights as a Coherent Set of Human Rights. Can anything strike a harsher blow to a celebrity’s standing, dead or alive, than the thoughts of his close friends? Christopher Hitchens has an army of those. From Men’s Journal, an article on Daniel Kish, the blind man who taught himself to see. From Wired, 1 million workers, 90 million iPhones, 17 suicides — who’s to blame? Sometimes beauty is just business: Malcolm Gladwell on Helena Rubinstein and the business of beauty. Capitalism's Dismal Future: Capitalism has been so vital for so long that it seems irreplaceable — but it is played out, as encroaching fiscal and environmental horrors will show. The science of making decisions: The Twitterization of our culture has revolutionized our lives, but with an unintended consequence — our overloaded brains freeze when we have to make decisions. The introduction to The Tibetan Book of the Dead: A Biography by Donald S. Lopez, Jr. Why some people steal content: Outside U.S., digital piracy not just easy, but often necessary. Phosphate with a twist: A long-forgotten soft drink is helping create surprising new cocktails. A review of Join the Club: How Peer Pressure Can Transform the World by Tina Rosenberg (and more). Steven Heller on the design practices of the Third Reich. Hey Jimmy Wales, what do you think of content farms? From FDL, a book salon on Jacob Hacker and Paul Pierson's Winner-Take-All Politics: How Washington Made the Rich Richer-and Turned Its Back on the Middle Class (and more). From First Things, Joe Carter on what the poor need most: Christian charity. Just what does it mean to be "anti-business"? Justin Fox wonders. The riddle of what underlies handedness remains; its proportions — roughly 90 percent of people are right-handed and 10 percent left-handed — stay consistent over time. My life cruising online: As a gay man, Erich Nagler's dating world evolved on the Internet — from the innocence of AOL to the desperation of Manhunt. From there to here, from here to there, researchers find that Dr. Seuss is — in political, social, psychological and even business terms — everywhere.