
Tying to save the Earth

Sarah Krakoff (Colorado): Planetarian Identity Formation and the Relocalization of Environmental Law. Daniel Bodansky (ASU) and Elliot Diringer (Pew Center): The Evolution of International Regimes: Implications for Climate Change. Katrina F. Kuh (Hofstra): When Government Intrudes: Regulating Individual Behaviors that Harm the Environment. Graham Frederick Dumas (NYU): A Greener Revolution: Using the Right to Food as a Political Weapon Against Climate Change. Climategate, what really happened: How climate science became the target of "the best-funded, best-organized smear campaign by the wealthiest industry that the Earth has ever known". On climate change, the GOP is lost in never-never land. Germans happily pay more for clean energy — why don’t Americans? Blame Game: Has the green movement been a miserable flop? David Suzuki on environmentalism's mistakes and where to go from here. Paul Wapner on his book Living through the End of Nature: The Future of American Environmentalism. A review of G. Evelyn Hutchinson and the Invention of Modern Ecology by Nancy G. Slack. Think globally, destroy locally: Alexis Madrigal on environmentalism for the 21st century. The $100 million pond: A bold new idea for protecting nature — put a price tag on it. Environmental policies and healthy bottom lines go together: A review of Bottled Lightning: Superbatteries, Electric Cars, and the New Lithium Economy by Seth Fletcher and Climate Capitalism: Capitalism in the Age of Climate Change by L. Hunter Lovins and Boyd Cohen. Low-energy astrophysics: Maggie Koerth-Baker on how scientists are trying to save the Earth. Sit down, kids, and get ready for a show: You’re about to see how a dumb rap star intent on killing people, golden retriever puppies and the newest edition of Nature: Climate Change are linked.