
Give me some space

From Philament, a special issue on Monstrosity. From Qualitative Studies, Rachel Demerling (McMaster): Resisting Stigma, Embracing Solidarity: An Ethnographic Study of Shopaholics Anonymous; and Sune Qvotrup Jensen (Aalborg): Othering, Identity Formation and Agency. Man as machine: A peculiar experiment inspired by the Enlightenment sheds light on the age-old question of what makes us human. An open letter to Bruce Springsteen REM, Wilco and Arcade Fire on President Obama. North Korea to suspend uranium enrichment and let in IAEA inspectors — but at what cost? The social conservative subterranean fantasy world is exposed, and it's frightening. Darpa Warns: Your iPhone is a military threat. Can you identify The Onion headlines on this list? Pamela Haag on the collapse of parody, and what it means. Give me some space: A study looks at responses to table spacing in restaurants. The spice theory: There is something primitive and inexplicable about liking or not liking, and that’s what puts it in the dumb domain of causation, not the higher realm of reasons.