
Lessons from the financial crisis

From the Russell Sage Foundation, here are the papers from Rethinking Finance, a conference on the economic lessons from the financial crisis. The introduction to Governance of Global Financial Markets: The Law, the Economics, the Politics by Emilios Avgouleas. William Cohan on how we got the crash wrong: Leverage was not the problem — incentives were, and still are. Heist of the century: Wall Street's role in the financial crisis. Myths of the great financial meltdown: Five years after the U.S. economy teetered on collapse, here are five reasons why we need to stop pointing fingers and fix the problems that nearly sank us. Since the very public resignation of angry executive Greg Smith, in March, Goldman Sachs has faced new speculation about its future, and that of C.E.O. Lloyd Blankfein. Yes, Jamie Dimon should lose his seat on the New York Fed board — but why stop there when America's financial regulation is such a mess? Justin Fox on the problem with the profit motive in finance. The creepy dudes of Wall Street: Are finance guys losing their mojo on the dating scene, too?