
Welcome to the future

From Smithsonian, a series of articles on futurism. From New Scientist, a series of articles on 100,000 AD: Living in the deep future; and the more optimistic we are about the future of our species the better we can focus on today's challenges. If there's a common trope about "futurism," it's that it gets everything wrong. What kinds of developmental thresholds would any planet of sentient beings pass through? Kevin Kelly on the next transitions in the Technium. Time goes inside the mind of futurist Ray Kurzweil. From io9, Lauren Davis on how our predictions for the Year 2000 changed throughout the 20th Century. Spotting the future is an art — Wired asks eight of their favorite visionaries for their techniques. Are we creating the future by predicting it? Rachel Marone wonders. Jeffrey Israel on the morality of the future. Welcome to the future: Will tomorrow's technology help or hurt us? Welcome to the Future Nauseous: We live in a continuous state of manufactured normalcy. Was Bertrand Russell a futurist? Ben Goertzel on radical futurism for newbies: A brief reading list.