
Longing for knowledge

A new issue of Regulation is out. Simon Springer (Victoria): War and Pieces. Jason Kunen (Haverford): Understanding Zen Through Martial Practice: Spiritual Attainment in the Martial Arts. From The New Atlantis, Robert Zubrin on the population control holocaust: An excerpt from Merchants of Despair: Radical Environmentalists, Criminal Pseudo-Scientists, and the Fatal Cult of Antihumanism; love, Yiddish, and the problem of bioethics: Darren J. Beattie on science and our erotic longing for knowledge; and psychotherapy and the pursuit of happiness: Ronald W. Dworkin on the fraught path from Freud to friendship. Justice Neal Boortz? Just what the Georgia Supreme Court needs — a draft-dodging, race-baiting dissembler who wants to do away with trials and have summary executions on Atlanta streets. Was Napoleon Bonaparte a Frenchman, Corsican, Italian, or Moor?