paper trail

Feb 22, 2011 @ 9:00:00 am

Jonathan Safran Foer

Thanks to McNally Jackson Books' always enlightening Twitter feed, we’ve discovered the New Yorker’s primary documents digital archive, which contains fascinating reading material from recent articles, including a trove of “Documents From Legal Cases Involving Scientology,” an excerpt from Teju Cole’s novel Open City, and a heavily annotated draft of John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address.

Note: We’re going to miss marginalia.

Do you know your Joshua Ferris from your Jonathan Safran Foer? Show your stuff with The Guardian’s Brooklyn books quiz.

We’re looking forward to the 2012 Olympics in London—and not just for the chance to see the weirdest Olympic mascots in the Games’ history in action—because they’re planning an international literary event in addition to the usual sports. The Globe theater is performing each of Shakespeare’s thirty-eight plays in a variety of languages, including The Taming of the Shrew in Urdu, The Tempest in Arabic, and Love’s Labour's Lost in sign language.

The Morning News’ Tournament of Books kicks off in two weeks: The slate of sixteen books from 2010 includes heavyweights such as Freedom, A Visit From the Goon Squad, and the Booker Prize winner, The Finkler Question, as well as some lesser known sleeper titles competing head-to-head, NCAA Basketball style. May the best book win.