paper trail

Sep 25, 2012 @ 12:05:00 am

The MTA's Kindle collection

Digital Book World asks: “Can you go to jail for writing a fake book review?

Okay, we know everybody is sick of hearing all about Naomi Wolf’s Vagina, but you should still make time for the Millions’ "feminist hate-read book club" on the topic. And while you're at it, check out Natasha Vargas-Cooper's takedown of Vagina from our current issue.

Anybody want to buy Tao Lin’s juicer, bed frame, or MacBook? The novelist is running low on cash (he’s awaiting a paycheck from Sarah Lawrence College) and is hoping to make ends meet by selling all his stuff on Twitter.

Yesterday was National Punctuation Day, and to celebrate, the Atlantic Wire’s Jen Doll asked writers about their favorite punctuation marks. While R.L. Stine and Ben Zimmer are partial to the em-dash, Miles Klee and Kurt Loder prefer the ellipses.

Leaving a book on the subway is bad, but leaving a Kindle on the subway is way, way worse. Anybody looking to pick up a Kindle (or twenty-five) can buy them directly from the lost-and-found of the New York City MTA.