
Surprising lessons for the European Union

Uwe Krause (Fontys): The Atlas of European Values Project: Mapping the Values of Europeans for Educational Purposes. Marius R. Busemeyer (Konstanz) and Achim Goerres (Duisburg-Essen): Varieties of Capitalism, Education and Inequalities in Political Participation. Richard Bellamy (UCL) and Dario Castiglione (Exeter): Three Models of Democracy, Political Community and Representation in the EU. Miguel Poiares Maduro (EUI): A New Governance for the European Union and the Euro: Democracy and Justice. Christian Joerges (Bremen): Europe's Economic Constitution in Crisis. Henry Farrell reviews Making the European Monetary Union by Harold James. Why won’t the Eurozone disintegrate? Deniz Kellecioglu investigates. Mareike Kleine reviews Reforming the European Union: Realizing the Impossible by Daniel Finke, Thomas Konig, Sven-Oliver Proksch, and George Tsebelis. The reassertion of the political: Nick Holdstock interviews Tariq Ali on the future of European citizenship. European disunion done right: The “old empire” offers surprising lessons for the European Union today.