
A big splash

Russell L. Weaver (Louisville) and Steven Friedland (Elon): Driving While “Intexticated”: Texting, Driving, and Punishment. Zein Murib (Minnesota): Transgender: Examining a New Political Identity Using Three Political Processes. Dan L. Burk (UC-Irvine): Copyright and the New Materialism. Michael Di Giovine (West Chester): Patrimonial Ethics and the Field of Heritage Production. On giving a shit: Christina Black reviews Between Two Stools: Scatology and its Representations in English Literature, Chaucer to Swift by Peter Smith. Michael LaCour probably fabricated a document about research integrity. Academics seek a big splash: The benefits of generating media attention may be skewing research studies and broadening their findings. Laura Kipnis is cleared of wrongdoing in Title IX complaints. Geoffrey R. Stone on how academic freedom is under siege. The National Security Analysis Center is scarier than the NSA. Conservative Christian Wheaton College says it has renamed its J. Dennis Hastert Center for Economics, Government, and Public Policy. Anthony Mundis on how to take over the world. It's regressive, it loses revenue, and it's unpopular — otherwise, the flat tax sounds fine. Home-brew heroin: Michael Le Page on how soon anyone will be able to make illegal drugs. Mr. Magazine interviews Joshua Gary of MagNet, the Grinder and Tinder app for single copy magazine lovers.