
Responsible for Trump

White tears in Trump’s America: Jamil Smith on how the Republican nominee and his supporters are perverting identity politics. Ryan Cooper on why poor whites flock to Donald Trump. Timothy Schenk on the dark history of Donald Trump’s rightwing revolt: The Republican intellectual establishment is united against Trump — but his message of cultural and racial resentment has deep roots in the American Right. Jonathan Bernstein on how Republicans are responsible for Trump. How we killed the tea party: Greedy super PACs drained the movement with endless pleas for money to support “conservative” candidates — while instead using the money to enrich themselves; I should know — I worked for one of them. Why hasn’t the Republican Party collapsed? We shouldn’t be asking whether the GOP is falling apart — we ought to be wondering why it isn’t.

If Trump is going down, he’s taking the GOP with him: The Republican National Committee is considering cutting off Trump’s support — that would be a bad idea. Donald Trump drives a stake through the GOP’s heart: “I don’t want to pivot”. Trump is self-sabotaging his campaign because he never really wanted the job in the first place. Why Donald Trump’s “rigged elections” warning could actually make his supporters less likely to vote. Mark Salter on the speech Donald Trump could give if he loses the election but refuses to concede — a diatribe against a rigged system, using words Trump has already uttered.