
French Theory is not French

Brian Nail (FSCJ): Derridean Realism, Sovereignty, and Political Theological Critique in an Age of Crisis. Chris Lloyd (Oxford Brookes): Derrida’s Law: The Socio-Historical and the Meta-Ethical; La and Le Politique. Niall Gildea reviews Theory at Yale: The Strange Case of Deconstruction in America by Marc Redfield. Gregory Jones-Katz on deconstruction: An American tale. Ian Hunter (Queensland): Heideggerian Mathematics: Badiou’s Being and Event as Spiritual Pedagogy. Gordon Hull (UNC): Cynical Neoliberalism: Foucault and the Limits of Ethical Resistance. The Marx/Foucault difference: An excerpt from Foucault with Marx by Jacques Bidet. Dominika Partyga on Foucault, truth and the death of God. Wellington Jose Santana (Ryerson): Is Love a Gift? A Philosophical Inquiry about Givenness. “There is no Earth corresponding to the Globe”: Lars Gertenbach, Sven Opitz and Ute Tellmann interview Bruno Latour.

If French Theory is not French, and if it is no theory, if its very name is nothing but a lie and fake advertisement, perhaps we should let it all go.