
Trump's conflicts of interest

Trump's loans from troubled German bank pose conflict of interest. “3 mo ago, Trump accused HRC of a conflict of interest with Bahrain Now Bahrain is hosting a party at Trump's hotel”. New stash of legal opinions detail hurdles for Trump on emoluments ban. Trump’s post-election tax subsidy: After he won the presidency, Trump got new approval for a massive tax subsidy for his luxury DC hotel. Office of Government Ethics lobs snark attack at Trump over business conflicts. A proposal for a real blind trust for Trump's fortune. Don’t be fooled: Donald Trump will never walk away from his businesses. Dave Jamieson on Donald Trump’s conflict of interest that no one’s talking about: A hotel mogul will now get to determine whether more workers get overtime pay.

Larry Buchanan and Karen Yourish on the array of conflicts of interest facing the Trump presidency. Nadja Popovich and Jan Diehm on Trump's conflicts of interest: A visual guide. The shamelessness is breathtaking, even by 2016 standards: House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) wants to investigate Clinton, not Trump.