
Policing and race

Samuel L. Perry and Joshua T. Davis (Oklahoma) and Andrew L. Whitehead (Clemson): God’s Country in Black and Blue: How Christian Nationalism Shapes Americans’ Views about Police (Mis)treatment of Blacks. Geoff Ward (WUSTL): Living Histories of White Supremacist Policing: Towards Transformative Justice. Violence is what we were paid to do: Eileen Chen on the LAPD and the Rodney King affair (and part 2 and part 3). Symone Sanders on how police violence is gun violence. From National Review, shouldn’t police at home exhibit at least as much discipline as soldiers at war? Andrew Cohen on the ugly truth about police reform in the age of Trump.

Franklin E. Zimring (UC-Berkeley): The Death of the Unarmed Assailant on Racial Fears, Ambiguous Movement, and the Vulnerability of Armed Police. The black police policing our own: Devon W. Carbado and L. Song Richardson review Locking Up Our Own: Crime and Punishment in Black America by James Forman Jr. How America became over-policed: Mychal Denzel Smith reviews Fortress America: How We Embraced Fear and Abandoned Democracy by Elaine Tyler May and The End of Policing by Alex S. Vitale. Ben Austen on how one American city chose to tackle crime, combat racism, and reckon with the legacy of police brutality.

Emma Frankham (Wisconsin): How Were Encounters Initiated That Resulted in the Fatal Shooting of Civilians by Police? Writing crime into race: Historian Khalil Gibran Muhammad studies one of the most powerful ideas in the American imagination. Did you know that white people are a terrifying threat to police everywhere? How conservatives use made-up and/or misleading nonsense to justify police killings. Constant police violence takes massive toll on black Americans’ mental health, per study. Unprotected, underserved: Michael Harriot on the (false) criminalization of black America. “Stand your ground” laws give white citizens the kind of impunity that’s usually reserved for police.

Ekow N. Yankah (Yeshiva): Pretext and Justification: Republicanism, Policing, and Race. Militarized policing doesn’t reduce crime and disproportionately hits black communities.