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Julia Moses (Sheffield): Social Citizenship and Social Rights in an Age of Extremes: T. H. Marshall’s Social Philosophy in the Longue Duree. The major scandal engulfing Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, explained (and more and more). Democrats don’t need any more presidential candidates — they need senators. Death to minimalism: Take away the unnecessary, untidy, and intricate and you take away a place’s soul. Weighing the case for progress in an age of anxiety: George Scialabba reviews It’s Better Than It Looks: Reasons for Optimism in an Age of Fear by Gregg Easterbrook; 21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari; and America: The Farewell Tour by Chris Hedges. The first chapter from The Secular Enlightenment by Margaret C. Jacob.

From Congressional Research Service, a report on African American Members of the United States Congress: 1870-2018. Pentagon may tap military pay, pensions for border wall. Aurelian Craiutu reviews In Search of Isaiah Berlin: A Literary Adventure by Henry Hardy. Why we need H.R. 1: If Democrats fail to act, we run the real risk of backsliding into voting restrictions that resemble the Jim Crow era. Why North Korea’s restored rocket site isn’t cause for worry — yet. This could be the beginning of the end for Facebook’s social network. Candidate pledges to reject corporate PAC money don’t mean much. What we owe a rabbit: Thomas Nagel reviews Fellow Creatures: Our Obligations to the Other Animals by Christine M. Korsgaard.