
Why is economics so fragile?

Harald Uhlig (Chicago): Economics and Reality. Walter Kramer (RatSWD): The Cult of Statistical Significance: What Economists Should and Should Not Do To Make Their Data Talk. From Re-public, a special issue on economic statistics. D. Wade Hands (Puget Sound): Scientific Norms and the Values of Economists: The Case of Priority Fights in Economics. Jose Castro Caldas, Vitor Neves and Jose Reis (Coimbra): Why is Economics So Fragile? Neil K. Komesar (Wisconsin): The Essence of Economics: Behavior, Choice and Comparison. Adair Turner on the need to challenge conventional economic wisdom (and part 2 and part 3). Stuart Kauffman on economics made too simple. The undies index: Economic forecasting remains more art than science. Pure economics is a failure — long live political/social/cultural/economics. A review of The Economist’s Oath: On the Need for and Content of Professional Economic Ethics by George F. DeMartino. Tomas Sedlacek’s Economics of Good and Evil strives to turn economists back into moral philosophers (and more). Thomas Storck on the starting point for economic thought. Is 72 the answer to life, the universe and everything? It's definitely the answer to a few economic questions. The first chapter from The Darwin Economy: Liberty, Competition, and the Common Good by Robert H. Frank (and more and more). Broken Recovery: Have economists failed us? One thing to like about the study of economics is that it fosters compassion. Chicago economics on trial: An interview with Nobel-winning economist Robert Lucas. From FDL, a book salon on The Illusion of Free Markets: Punishment and the Myth of Natural Order by Bernard Harcourt. When a paradigm falls and nobody hears it: The neoliberal status quo is indefensible — yet the public silently accepts its supposed legitimacy. A review of The Economics of Enough: How to Run the Economy as If the Future Matters by Diane Coyle.