
That can be a good thing

Christopher Bellavita (NPS): Waiting for Homeland Security Theory. From TLS, a review on how Noam Chomsky’s world works. Bob Kerrey will call your bullshit — but will his sardonic wit and straight talk help him survive a barrage of attack ads, or serve as fodder? Peter Singer on the real abortion tragedy: We have no obligation to allow every being with the potential to become a rational being to realize that potential. Carlos Fraenkel writes in praise of the clash of cultures: We humans are deeply divided on fundamental moral, religious and philosophical questions — but that can be a good thing. Let’s be friends: Barack Obama and Bill Clinton reconcile. The United States already sports an exceedingly rich people-friendly tax structure, but America's rich have far more friendly tax models in mind — like Singapore. Joe Pappalardo on how to read an old sci-fi book without ruining it.