
Storm world

A review of The Ends of the Earth: The Arctic and The Ends of the Earth: The Antarctic (Granta). Greenland to World: "Keep Out!": Some of Greenland's residents want independence and full rights to the island's natural resources. Will they get it? Sinking states: What will happen to the thousands of people made legally and physically stateless when climate change drives island states beneath the waves? A review of The Unnatural History of the Sea by Callum Roberts. Why the Earth's air is really an ocean: It's so heavy, it's almost inconceivable that we can walk around in it, says Gabrielle Walker, author of An Ocean of Air: Why the Wind Blows and Other Mysteries of the Atmosphere. An interview with Chris Mooney, author of Storm World: Hurricanes, Politics, and the Battle Over Global Warming (and more and more). An article on the world's top 10 most polluted places: Russia, China and India contain the most areas where toxic pollution and human habitation collide with devastating effects (and more).