
The battle for the city

From Businessweek, a special section on city planning: How can we make our cities more sustainable, efficient, and prosperous in the years ahead? From GeoCurrents, an article on mapping “global cities”. From the Toronto Review of Books, a review of Rebel Cities: From the Right to the City to the Urban Revolution by David Harvey. Matt Bevilacqua on using Google Street View to see a city’s personality. Hamburg’s HafenCity is unique in the extraordinary efforts made in pursuit of a “planned urbanity”. P.H. Liotta and James F. Miskel on megacities: The past, present and predictions for the future. Nate Berg on where urban land growth is about to explode. Laura Vaughan reviews Segregation: A Global History of Divided Cities by Carl H. Nightingale. Rebel cities: Occupy Wall Street staged a rebellion against corporate corruption and economic inequality in Manhattan’s parks and streets, but the battle for the city began with nineteenth century electrification of Broadway. Matthew Thomas Clement reviews Cities Under Siege: The New Military Urbanism by Stephen Graham. Will the city of the future look as insane as this?