
We're all stupid voters

A review of Rational Choice and Democratic Deliberation: A Theory of Discourse Failure by Guido Pincione and Fernando R. Teson. Bryan Caplan on the 4 boneheaded biases of stupid voters (and we're all stupid voters). An article on campaign finance as the root of all evil. Federal law limits the participation of resident aliens in the political process. But it is silent on the role of extraterrestrial aliens. Failing Electoral College: As California Republicans seek to game the dysfunctional Electoral College, a campaign is rising to establish a national popular vote (and more). Electoral Vote Shuffle: Current proposals to change the way electoral votes are apportioned via state-level legislation raise larger questions as to why our federal elections are run at the state level at all. Wake up and smell the kiwi: What New Zealand can teach about proportional representation and electoral reform.