
The ideological marketplace

Adam Bonica (Stanford): Mapping the Ideological Marketplace. Kimmo Eriksson and Alexander Funcke (Stockholm): American Political Ingroup Bias and the Above-Average Effect. Dan M. Kahan (Yale): Ideology, Motivated Reasoning, and Cognitive Reflection: An Experimental Study; and Cognitive Bias and the Constitution of the Liberal Republic of Science. Daniel Casasanto (New School): Different Bodies, Different Minds: The Body Specificity of Language and Thought. How to raise a little liberal (or conservative): New research confirms children raised by authoritarian parents are more likely to grow up into right-wingers. Why do people of different parties seem to have such a hard time understanding each other and reaching agreements? Liberals and conservatives who are polarized on certain politically charged subjects become more moderate when reading political arguments in a difficult-to-read font. Why are liberals twice as likely to cheat as conservatives? Manuel Garcia on left conservatives under right progressives: This political taxonomy allows for classification and comparison of all political orientations. Adam Staley Groves on a new ideology: The task today is to rethink the material basis of ideology and begin restructuring our practices.