
Worth taking a look

Sharanbir Grewal and Erik Voeten (Georgetown): Are New Democracies Better Human Rights Compliers? Here are the answers to the 2013 Edge Question: "What should we be worried about?" Paradise lost, or found: A new airport could bring much-needed income to the beautiful, remote British outpost of Saint Helena. Michael Burleigh reviews The Dictator's Learning Curve: Inside the Global Battle for Democracy by William J. Dobson. Enormous and very vulnerable: Bryce Covert on how domestic workers make up a growing part of the global workforce — working under some of the worst conditions. Did Bo help get the president re-elected? Scott McLemee looks into the burgeoning literature on canine politics. As C.S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity goes into its seventh decade of publishing success, rivaled still by no other apologetic, it's worth taking a look at its unlikely success. Sean Ledwith reviews Islamophobia and the Politics of Empire by Deepa Kumar. Blogging about the mob: A longtime organized crime reporter takes a buyout from the Philadelphia Inquirer and tries his hand at blogging for a new Web site that provides gavel-to-gavel coverage of big trials. John Dean on why President Obama could easily be impeached over the debt ceiling if Congress fails to raise it.