
Abraham's children

From Al-Ahram, why the issuing of fatwas must be codified. The zero percent solution: A renaissance for "Islamic finance" offers innovative financial tools to Muslim and non-Muslim alike. Here is a map that purports to show a plan for Islamic world dominance, entitled "The Map of the United States of Islam". The battle at Islam's heart: In November 1979, armed militants took over Mecca's Sacred Mosque. Their actions still reverberate throughout the Muslim world. Why do the eight signatories bother to make this last call on Israel/Palestine? The international consensus on the two-state solution is fading away. A review of Elements of Ancient Jewish Nationalism by David Goodblatt. An interview with historian Saul Friedlander: "The Holocaust won't disappear". A review of Fear: Anti-Semitism in Poland after Auschwitz: An Essay in Historical Interpretation by Jan T. Gross. A review of Churchill and the Jews: A Lifelong Friendship by Martin Gilbert (and more). Melanie Phillips on Britain’s anti-Semitic turn: A new manifestation of the oldest hatred demonizes the Jewish state. A review of Outlawed Pigs: Law, Religion, and Culture in Israel by Daphne Barak-Erez. A review of Abraham's Children: Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People by Jon Entine. Two AEI scholars and a visiting bioethicist kibbitzed about a pressing cause: Why Jews are so doggone smart? Jewgenics: William Saletan on Jewish intelligence, Jewish genes, and Jewish values. From Jewcy, the Noah Feldman debate just won't die. Are American Jews too powerful? Not even close. God and Man on YouTube: Ideological polemics — not kittens and skateboard crashes — are what really engage the online faithful. Dinesh D'Souza on the twilight of atheism and the global triumph of Christianity: An excerpt from What's So Great About Christianity. The Turning of an Atheist: The British philosopher Antony Flew was one of the West’s most influential nonbelievers. Then came news that he had recanted, but his change of heart may not be what it seems. A review of The Atheist Manifesto: The Case Against Christianity, Judaism and Islam by Michel Onfray. Plato’s Nephew: The humanist intellectual tradition was shaped by a healthy respect for epistemic limits.