
Our broken system of ranking colleges

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2013-2014 is out. From Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics, a special issue on hot issues emerging from global academic rankings through the views and thoughts of stakeholders. The first U-Multirank rankings, created as part of a European Union-funded effort to rank a broader array of higher education institutions on a wider number of measures, have been released. Here are the Top Research Universities in the US 2014, according to Leiter Reports. College presidents are balking at President Obama’s call for a rating system that would compare schools to aid prospective students and determine federal funding. President Obama’s college ratings plan is widely hated by the higher-ed status quo — that’s why it’s so promising. Jonnelle Marte on how to fix our broken system of ranking colleges: Students and parents are missing key information about which colleges are helping students. Should we rank colleges based on their graduates’ earnings? Academics might not like it, but schools should be held accountable. Should MFA programs be ranked? Kate Gale investigates. David Leonhardt on getting into the Ivies: Why is it harder than it used to be? To young minds of today, Harvard is the Stanford of the East: Riding a wave of interest in technology, Stanford University has risen to the top of measures that Harvard once dominated. How does a tiny institution create such outsized impact? Phil Baty on Caltech and the secrets of the world’s number one university.