
Changing the way

Charlotte Garden (Seattle): Meta Rights. Ueli Staeger (SOAS): The Arab Uprisings, Globalisation and Postmodernity. Saitya Brata Das (Jawaharlal Nehru): The Gift of the World: A Note on Political Theology. Lars G. Tummers (EUR) and Philip Rocco (UC-Berkeley): Policy Implementation Under Stress: How the Affordable Care Act’s Frontline Workers Cope with the Challenges of Public Service Delivery. Andrew Robinson and Athina Karatzogianni (Hull): Schizorevolutions vs. Microfascisms: A Deleuzo-Nietzschean Perspective on State, Security, and Active/Reactive Networks. Alta Grobbelaar (UFS): The Evolution, Development and Influence of Boko Haram: A Critical Terrorism Study. Philipp Holtmann (TRI): Terrorism and Jihad: Differences and Similarities. Gordon Wood reviews Our Declaration: A Reading of the Declaration of Independence in Defense of Equality by Danielle Allen (and more). Steven Hahn reviews The Problem of Slavery in the Age of Emancipation by David Brion Davis. Bypassing the bankers: William D. Cohan on how peer-to-peer lending is changing the way consumers get loans. Women of Fox have no problem with catcalls: “Let men be men”. Michelle Rindels and Jacques Billeaud on how gun tourism has grown in popularity in recent years (and more). Ayn Rand's capitalist paradise is now a greedy land-grabbing shitstorm. Some Southern members of Congress apparently haven’t gotten over the Civil War". David Berlin on chimes of freedom: Were the ’60s really so special? A product of the war on terror, Communications Management Units (CMUs) have cut hundreds of Americans — most of whom are Muslim — off from the outside world, often by labeling their acts of dissent "terrorism".