
Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Middle East and Israel

From Open Democracy, an end to exclusivity: A move towards greater public access to state information is another step to constitutional government in China; and North Korea may be facing another food emergency. If it develops, the world needs to learn lessons from the mid-1990s famine in the country. Accidental Tourist: How three years in Korean prison changed one young American's spritual and sexual worldview. While the Japanese continue to get the blame for WWII enslavement, forcing women into sexual bondage continues.

A review of Perfect Hostage: a Life of Aung San Suu Kyi. Shackled by the Neck: Burma’s Long Neck Karen choose exploitation in a tourist village rather than returning to a civil war. A review of Human Rights on Asia: A Comparative Legal Study of Twelve Asian Jurisdictions, France and the USA.

From TNR, my journey through Darfur. Bernard-Henri Lévy on a guided tour of hell (and a video interview). A review of Chief of Station, Congo by Larry Devlin. An interview with Archbishop Pius Ncube, Zimbabwean human rights and pro-democracy activist. Desmond Tutu slams African leaders on Zimbabwe.

A look at how liberation theology, which the pope once called "a fundamental threat," retains its appeal in Latin America. From Axess, Ernesto "Che" Guevara is hot once again. But the historical record reveals that Che bore all the repressive hallmarks of his Soviet and Maoist masters. An interview with Ben Dangl, author of The Price of Fire: Resource Wars and Social Movements in Bolivia. The unnecessary conflict in the south Atlantic in 1982 between Britain and Argentina helped sow the seeds of more momentous and destructive wars, says Fred Halliday.

From Asia Times, are the Arabs already extinct? Rotting empire v inept enemy: Why the Islamist threat is greatly exaggerated. We can never make ourselves invulnerable to terrorism. But certain steps would reduce our vulnerability to as close to zero as possible. The Smarter Emergency Kit: When everything goes to hell, you'll want gear that gives you an evolutionary advantage over your less-prepared neighbors.

From Commentary, is Israel the problem? With the Middle East in crisis from end to end, analysts focus on one rather peripheral dispute. Middle East experts to rate the chances of the politicians gunning for Olmert’s job. AIPAC on Trial: The lobby argues that good Americans spy for Israel. And surprise! The US spies on Israel more than Israel spies on the US