
The way we see

Matt Grossmann (Michigan State) and David A. Hopkins (BC): Ideological Republicans and Group Interest Democrats: The Asymmetry of American Party Politics. From The Baffler, reflections on domestic violence from the introduction to American Violence: A Documentary History, edited by Richard Hofstadter and Michael Wallace and published in 1970. Jade Helm 15, the military exercise that drove Texas insane, is finally here. Kathryn Schulz on the Really Big One: An earthquake will destroy a sizable portion of the coastal Northwest — the question is when. The euro zone was supposed to strengthen European democracy — instead, it’s undermining it. Hamilton Nolan on moral hazard and its victims. David Huyssen and Mary Reynolds on the return of gilded feminism: Alva Belmont vs. the Glam-SAHMs. Welcome to our new visual culture: In 2014 we took 1tn photos, an estimated 30bn selfies, and we load 300 hours of video on to YouTube every minute — how is it affecting the way we see the world? The RCP/LM runs a school.