
Controversial higher-ed debate

From TNR, critics fear that a new political correctness has invaded college campuses — but the real explanation for our newfound trepidation has to do with the way we process trauma. Life is “triggering” — the best literature should be, too: Jerry A. Coyne on what Literature Fascism would look like. Teaching trigger warnings: Sarah Seltzer on what pundits don’t understand about the year’s most controversial higher-ed debate. A new study finds an “epidemic level” of rape on college campus. Emily Esfahani Smith on how the history of the fraternities may hold the solution for curing the current ills of the Greek system (and more). Phoebe Maltz Bovy on the hostile renegotiation of the professor-student relationship: College classrooms will never be the same again — and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. From LARB’s Marginalia, does tenure have a future? An open forum. Daniel Drezner on the least powerful people in the academy. Those whom the gods choose to destroy, they first send to graduate school.