
Come to terms

Marcia Anne Yablon-Zug (South Carolina): The Mirage of Immigration Reform: The Devastating Consequences of Obama’s Immigration Policy. Eric Hananoki on how the white nationalist media have found their “great” “hope” in Donald Trump and his immigration plan. Republicans come to terms with their worst Trump nightmare (and more and more). Chris Lehmann on the real reason pundits want Donald Trump to disappear: Trump is a loud, brash rebuke to the great American myth of meritocratic achievement. “Obama is endangering America by borrowing from China” is a perfect political line, playing into deficit fetishism, xenophobia and the perennial claim that Democrats don’t stand up for America. William Bradford, an assistant professor in the law department of the US Military Academy at West Point, has argued that legal scholars critical of the war on terrorism represent a “treasonous” fifth column that should be attacked as enemy combatants. Carimah Townes on how the number of people who use a gun in self-defense is pretty much negligible.