
Intractable cultural script

Nelson Lund (George Mason): In Defense of Presidential Signing Statements. Human traffickers implant their slaves with RFID chips. Trudeau’s message to world: Let government spending do the work. Who’s driving the GOP’s Supreme Court blockade? Miranda Blue investigates. Trump goaded Bloomberg into planning a presidential campaign — here’s why he probably won’t run. Jason Stanley on the free-speech fallacy: Self-declared proponents of open debate are in effect silencing the voices of oppressed and marginalized groups. Peter Coy on why big business is brushing off campaign trail rage: Corporations have scored big victories in Congress — but populism puts those gains in doubt. US agency Arpa-E reaches “holy grail” of battery storage sought by Elon Musk and Gates. Errors riddled 2015 study showing replication crisis in psychology research, scientists say. Daniel Wenger on Pearl Jam’s “Jeremy” and the intractable cultural script of school shooters.