
The fiasco surrounding Donald Trump

From RealClearPolitics, if Rubio is supposed to be half as good as they say, why has he failed so miserably? Lost in the fiasco surrounding Donald Trump is that the so-called moderate Republican candidates are almost as bad. The GOP’s gross Adam Sandler primary: Chauncey Devega on Donald Trump, penis jokes and the pathetic state of conservatism. Thomas B. Edsall on Donald Trump, the winning wild card. Alex Pareene on how Trump is the Reagan Revolution as farce. From The Unz Review, an article on a sensible, coherent Trumpism. Ben Railton on Trump and the Klan, a new controversy with old roots: The Ku Klux Klan’s dominant role in the 1924 Democratic National Convention was a telling moment with 21st century echoes. Obamacare didn’t pave the way for Donald Trump — the GOP’s response to it did.

Inside Trump’s inner circle, his staffers are willing to fight for him — literally. The parent-child discussion that so many dread: Donald Trump. Christopher Federico, Christopher Johnston and Howard Lavine on why Trump’s supporters tolerate his “liberal” economic positions. Trump’s voters aren’t authoritarians, new research says — so what are they? Nick Gillespie on how authoritarians vs. libertarians is the real fight on the Right. Matt O’Brien on why the Republican establishment is actually winning. Bill Scher on the case for shutting down the Republican Party: The rise of Donald Trump presents an opportunity for the party to start afresh.