
A blind eye

From the Journal of World-Systems Research, a special issue on Coloniality of Power and Hegemonic Shifts in the World-System. Mass protest in Venezuela demanding end of “dictatorship”. H.I.V. arrived in the U.S. long before “Patient Zero”. Shane Bauer: I went undercover with a border militia — here’s what I saw. Why the law turns a blind eye to militias: “If these militias are just running around the woods with guns, most states don't really care”. Power, the new victimhood and the disappearance of personal accountability: Andy Lamey reviews Conflict Is Not Abuse: Overstating Harm, Community Responsibility and the Duty of Repair by Sarah Schulman. Christ’s burial place at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the Old City of Jerusalem is exposed for first time since at least 1555 A.D. This is huge: New project releases all current (non-confidential) Congressional Research Service reports.