
Zizek, political theory, human nature, academia and education

From the latest issue of International Journal of Zizek Studies, Slavoj Zizek on Badiou: Notes From an Ongoing Debate; Marc de Kesel (Radboud): Truth as Formal Catholicism - On Alain Badiou, Saint Paul: La fondation de l’universalisme; Adrian Johnston (New Mexico): The Quick and the Dead: Alain Badiou and the Split Speeds of Transformation; Ken Jackson (Wayne State): The Great Temptation of “Religion”: Why Badiou has been so important to ´i¸ek; Levi R. Bryant (Collin): Symptomal Knots and Evental Ruptures: ´i¸ek, Badiou, and Discerning the Indiscernible; Ed Pluth (CSU - Chico): Against Spontaneity: The Act and Overcensorship in Badiou, Lacan, and ´i¸ek; and Socialism Reconsidered: Remarks on ´i¸ek`s Repeating Lenin pdf. A review of Conversations with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak.

From TNR, Robert M. Solow reviews Prophet of Innovation: Joseph Schumpeter and Creative Destruction by Thomas K. McCraw. A review of A Theory of Secession: The Case for Political Self-Determination.

From Metapsychology Book Reviews, a review of Michel Foucault by Clare O'Farrell; a review of Foucault and the Government of Disability; and a review of My Body Politic: A Memoir by Simi Linton. A review of The Case Against Perfection by Michael Sandel. The introduction to Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language by Maxwell Bennett, Daniel Dennett, Peter Hacker, and John Searle. A review of Signs, Mind, And Reality: A Theory of Language As the Folk Model of the World.

From National Review, a review of David Horowitz's Indoctrination U: The Left’s War Against Academic Freedom. From Campus Progress, Campus Con: The new film "Indoctrinate U" treats young conservatives as victims. From TAP, a better idea for college loans: Here's how to prevent college loans from being a straitjacket that determines graduates' career choices. Ivy League crunch brings new cachet to next tier: Second-tier colleges are becoming more selective because of the heated competition at the top. Study finds college-prep courses in high school leave many students lagging, as only a quarter of high school students who take the core courses are well prepared for college.

F for Felony: Why parents never hear about a shocking number of college campus crimes. Crime scene investigations: Academic research really matters only if it leads to social reform, says criminologist Lawrence Sherman. Why merit pay for teachers isn't such a great idea: In theory, it's a no-brainer: teachers should be paid more for teaching better. Bible curriculum dispute heats up: The spread of Bible instruction in public schools is raising questions about the separation of church and state. That is particularly true in places like Odessa, Texas, that have adopted one of two competing national curricula. Save the Catholic schools! They work miracles with inner-city kids, but without help, their own future is uncertain. And what kind of praise do kids need to hear? Emily Bazelon investigates