
Findings in deliberative democracy research

From Daedalus, a special issue on the prospects and limits of deliberative democracy, including Nicole Curato, John S. Dryzek, Selen A. Ercan, and Simon Niemeyer (Canberra) and Carolyn M. Hendriks (ANU): Twelve Key Findings in Deliberative Democracy Research; Claus Offe (Hertie School): Referendum vs. Institutionalized Deliberation: What Democratic Theorists Can Learn from the 2016 Brexit Decision; and Ian Shapiro (Yale): Collusion in Restraint of Democracy: Against Political Deliberation. Helene Landemore (Yale): Deliberative Democracy as Open, Not (Just) Representative Democracy. Juan Nascimbene (Buenos Aires): Deliberative Democracy and the Problem of the Commons.

Daniel Layman (Davidson): Robust Deliberative Democracy. Christian List (LSE): Democratic Deliberation and Social Choice: A Review. Robert E. Ferrell and Joe Old (EPCC): The Force of the Better Argument: Americans Can Learn Something from Jurgen Habermas and “Deliberative Democracy”.