
About journalism

Judith Townend (Sussex) and Richard Danbury (De Montfort): Protecting Sources and Whistleblowers in a Digital Age. The person who shares a news story on social media is more important than the story’s actual source in determining whether readers believe it, a study has found. Does anyone care about journalism research? (No, really) Great local reporting stands between you and wrongdoing — and it needs saving. Can charity save journalism from market failure? Yemile Bucay, Vittoria Elliott, Jennie Kamin, and Andrea Park on America’s growing news deserts. What does it mean for a journalist today to be a Serious Reader?

Carol Pauli (Texas A&M): Enemy of the People: Negotiating News at the White House. Shelley Hepworth, Carlett Spike, and Pete Vernon on small newsrooms in out-of-the-way places. The Megyn Kelly racket: It says nothing good about our world that the NBC anchor is seen as a role model for feminists and journalists. When Silicon Valley took over journalism: The pursuit of digital readership broke the New Republic — and an entire industry. Inside the partisan fight for your news feed: How ideologues, opportunists, growth hackers, and internet marketers built a massive new universe of partisan news on the web and on Facebook.

Andrew Lindner (Skidmore) and Ryan Larson (Minnesota): The Expansion and Contraction of the Journalistic Field and American Online Citizen Journalism, 2000-2012. Yes, ma’am: Here are 21 women running U.S. media organizations now. What happens to local news when there is no local media to cover it? When all the news that fits is Trump: Great reporting is how the “failing” New York Times has answered (and benefited mightily) from the president’s attacks — but the paper’s former executive editor warns of the pitfalls of the Trump bump. You think Chris Christie's beach photos were great? Just wait until drone journalism really takes off.

Why Trump’s White House fears April Ryan, one of America’s most successful black journalists. Just how partisan is the press, and should the public be worried? Lindzi Wessel on making sense of media bias. You know who else was always impressing journalists with his newfound maturity and pragmatism? SE Cupp on why conservatives lost faith in mainstream media. Trump’s message of mistrust is sinking in, even in journalism’s new “golden age”. Adrian Brune on the new “Peace Corps” for journalists. The Internet isn’t saving local news — here’s how that’s hurting democracy. Can Fox News survive the Trump presidency? Embattled network faces lawsuits, aging viewership, new competitors.