
You will lose your job to a robot

Frank Pasquale (Maryland): Professional Judgment in an Era of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. John Danaher (NUI Galway): Building a Postwork Utopia: Technological Unemployment, Life Extension and the Future of Human Flourishing. David Gunkel (Northern Illinois): Rage Against the Machine: Rethinking Education in the Face of Technological Unemployment. It’s puppets vs. robots: Tom Whyman on the god in the machine. Out of road: Leslie Hook on driverless vehicles and the end of the trucker. The end of work, individualism, and the human species: Derek Thompson interviews Yuval Harari, author of Homo Deus.

A.I. will transform the economy — but how much, and how soon? Brad DeLong on automation, labor and the future of work. Welcoming our new robot overlords: Once, robots assisted human workers — now it’s the other way around. Are we about to witness the most unequal societies in history? You will lose your job to a robot — and sooner than you think (and more and more). We’re so unprepared for the robot apocalypse. Kai-Fu Lee on the real threat of artificial intelligence. Chill: Robots won’t take all our jobs. Why I’m skeptical that robots will take all our jobs. History and economic theory suggest that fears about technological unemployment are misplaced.