
About to fall

The inaugural issue of Behavioural Public Policy is free online. Donald Paul Sullins (Catholic): “No Wedding’s a Wedding Without a Cake”: The History and Significance of the Wedding Cake. Katherine Miller on Donald Trump, #MeToo, Facebook, and the breakdown of institutional power. The CDC is about to fall off a funding cliff: It’s already planning to pull back on work that protects the world from pandemics. Sarah Jones reviews Kids These Days: Human Capital and the Making of Millennials by Malcolm Harris. Social organicism in the service of power: Assad Asil Companioni and Kurtis Brade on the sinister side of unity discourse. Pennsylvania’s gerrymandered House map was struck down — with huge implications for 2018.

Allegations and counter-allegations: The propagation of allegations is now taking place under the pretense of official congressional business, and without apology. “I hope this is an instance of fake news”: FBI messages show the Bureau’s real reaction to Trump firing James Comey. Sessions silent as Trump attacks his department, risking independence and morale. Nunes memo gets Rightbloggers even more convinced FBI is a liberal plot. Is the Nunes memo backfiring? Republicans sold their credibility to defend an obvious Russian agent. Bob Mueller’s investigation is larger — and further along — than you think.