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Elizabeth Edenberg (Georgetown) and Emily McGill-Rutherford (Keene State): Feminist Social and Political Philosophy. Mohammad Ali Kadivar, Adaner Usmani, and Benjamin Bradlow (Brown): The Long March: Contentious Mobilization and Deep Democracy. The local news crisis is bigger than Sinclair. Atlantic hires right-wing troll, promptly runs phony climate smear on Democrats. Jeffrey Isaacs on why Damon Linker is wrong about liberals. Facebook’s historian: Timmy Facciola interviews Heather Cox Richardson. Poland’s government devastates its supreme court. How secularism has been used to justify the subordination of women: The introduction to Sex and Secularism by Joan Wallach.

Amazon is the Post Office’s best friend, no matter what Trump tweets. No sympathy for Amazon: Trump’s attacks on the company aren’t nearly as alarming as the government largesse that helped it become a tech behemoth. The autocrats’ playbook: You don’t have to like Amazon to fear Trump’s attack on it. Welcome to the Resistance? There is no good case for making temporary alliances with Trump against Amazon or law enforcement when Trump’s motives are corrupt. Is Amazon evil and am I evil for using it?