
How neoliberalism worms its way

Will Davies (Goldsmiths): Is Neoliberalism Still Going According to Plan? Anne McGuire (Toronto): De-regulating Disorder: On the Rise of the Spectrum as a Neoliberal Metric of Human Value. Marek Tesar (Auckland) and Michael Peters (Waikato): Philosophy and Performance of Neoliberal Ideologies: History, Politics and Human Subjects. Stuart Jeffries reviews Psychopolitics: Neoliberalism and New Technologies of Power by Byung-Chul Han. From Dissent, a forum on debating the uses and abuses of “neoliberalism”. Simon Wren-Lewis on the fatal inconsistency within neoliberalism. “Who is not a neoliberal today?”: Jacob Hamburger interviews Wendy Brown, author of Undoing the Demos.

Jon Kofas (Indiana): Neoliberal Totalitarianism and the Social Contract. Miguel Vatter (Flinders): Neoliberalism and Republicanism: Economic Rule of Law and Law as Concrete Order (Nomos). Sarah Brouillette (Carleton): Neoliberalism and the Demise of the Literary. Sung-Yueh Perng (Maynooth): Shared Technology Making in Neoliberal Ruins: Rationalities, Practices and Possibilities of Hackathons. Samuel Knafo, Richard Lane and Steffan Wyn-Jones (Sussex) and Sahil Jai Dutta (Warwick): The Managerial Lineages of Neoliberalism. Dani Rodrik on taking a crack at neoliberalism. Kirsten Tambling on the neoliberal heart of the 90s romcom. Quinn Slobodian on neoliberalism’s populist bastards.

Fabian Cannizzo (RMIT): Tactical Evaluations: Everyday Neoliberalism in Academia. Tim Di Muzio (Wollongong): Disciplinary Neoliberalism, the Tyranny of Debt and the 1 Percent. Samir Gandesha (Simon Fraser): “Identifying with the Aggressor”: From the Authoritarian to Neoliberal Personality. Under neoliberalism, you can be your own tyrannical boss. Liat Spiro interviews Quinn Slobodian, author of Globalists: The End of Empire and the Birth of Neoliberalism (and more). Is neoliberalism even a thing? David Glasner on neo- and other liberalisms. Nathan Robinson on how neoliberalism worms its way into your brain.

The introduction to Economic and Social Rights in a Neoliberal World, ed. Gillian MacNaughton and Diane F. Frey. Phil Armstrong reviews Reclaiming the State: A Progressive Vision of Sovereignty for a Post-Neoliberal World by William Mitchell and Thomas Fazi. Luke Winkie on the sad saps of neoliberal Reddit trying to make globalism cool again.