
The ecological question

Melissa Lane (Princeton) and Nancy Rosenblum (Harvard): The Political Theory of Climate Change: State of the Field. Alyssa Battistoni reviews Climate Leviathan: A Political Theory of Our Planetary Future by Geoff Mann and Joel Wainwright. Richard Janda (McGill) and Richard Lehun (Frankfurt): The Conflict of Human and Non-Human Laws. Can rivers be people too? Inside the radical movement to gain rights for ecosystems — and save the environment. John Bellamy Foster and Brett Clark on the expropriation of nature. Between post-human globalization and nationalist withdrawal, the ecological question pushes us towards the earthly ground, argues Bruno Latour.

Seth Sivinski (Montana) and Joseph Ulatowski (Waikato): The Anthropocentrism of the Cosmic Perspective Argument (“New developments in cosmology make it unlikely that life on Earth is unique. The Cosmic Perspective Argument states that given these developments we should not be concerned with the Earth’s environmental degradation”). Rob Fletcher (Wageningen): Beyond the End of the World: Breaking Attachment to a Dying Planet.