
Trade warrior Trump

Daniel Nagel (ASE) and Sorin Burnete (ULBS): Free Trade in Theory and Policy: Contemporary Challenges. Thomas J. Schoenbaum (Washington) and Daniel C. K. Chow (Ohio State): The Perils of Economic Nationalism and a Proposed Pathway to Trade Harmony. Trump threatened punishing tariffs — so far, Canada has shrugged them off. China hits back with tariffs on $60B in U.S. goods. The US is at risk of losing a trade war with China. Trade deficit swelling under trade warrior Trump. Under Trump’s watch, the U.S. is on track for the highest trade deficit in 10 years. Trump promises to stay the course on tariffs.

Trump makes bizarre claim that tariffs will help pay down the massive U.S. debt. Trump says tariffs are working “big time” — here are 5 pieces of evidence that’s not the case. Why protectionism soaks American consumers twice. As trade war drags on, the cry spreads: “Where’s our bailout?” Concern about Trump’s trade war has “spiked tremendously” among America’s largest companies. Will business leaders sit back as Trump trashes the global economic order? Trade wars are not good for the US military advantage: What will the long-term costs of the Trump administration’s trade war be on the U.S. military’s technological superiority?