
Anyone else

Jens David Ohlin (Cornell): Did Russian Cyber-Interference in the 2016 Election Violate International Law? New evidence contradicts theory that Easter Island society collapsed. Trump is mad that Turkey’s economic crisis has made their currency weaker, so now he’s making it even weaker. Why the Space Force is just like Trump University (and more). Brian Kemp, enemy of democracy: An expert on voter suppression, he will help keep Georgia red. Racism is a problem of white elites, and Kris Kobach proves it. Edward Said, 40 years later: The academy evolved, but has anyone else? Did Kabila just bring democracy to Congo? Why the FBI firing Peter Strzok, a frequent Trump target, matters (and more).

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is not your manic pixie dream girl. Thread: “Just a quick reminder that in-person debates are a terrible way to test the merits of ideas”. Thread: “No question that could really be decisively settled in 90 minutes of argument between four smart people would actually be WORTH debating, because the question would already be settled”.