
The dystopian hellhole of Trumpism

Martin Obschonka (QUT), Michael Stuetzer (DHBW), Peter J. Rentfrow (Cambridge), Neil Lee (LSE), Samuel D. Gosling (Texas), and Eva Schmitt-Rodermund (Jena): Fear, Populism, and the Geopolitical Landscape: The “Sleeper Effect” of Neurotic Personality Traits on Regional Voting Behavior in the 2016 Brexit and Trump Votes. Marc Hooghe (Leuven) and Ruth Dassonneville (Montreal): Explaining the Trump Vote: The Effect of Racist Resentment and Anti-Immigrant Sentiments. Lindsey Huang and Barak Orbach (Arizona): Con Men and Their Enablers: The Anatomy of Confidence Games. Scott Walker won’t defend Wisconsin-based Harley-Davidson against Trump. The new GOP litmus test: Defending Trump at his absolute worst. Charles Crabtree (Michigan), Holger Kern (FSU), and David A. Siegel (Duke): Cults of Personality, Preference Falsification, and the Dictator’s Dilemma. Trump and his media boosters live in a hall of mirrors. America’s “post-truth” problem: Sean Illing interviews Simon Blackburn, author of On Truth.

From TPM, Josh Marshall on the archeology of Trumpism and the dystopian hellhole of Trumpism. Brian Farkas on Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels: An arbitration case study. Glenn Kessler’s database of presidential untruths will become a reference, a talisman. Can the Toddler-in-Chief be handled? America doesn’t need another tape to know who Trump is. In 1987, Trump visited Russia to explore a hotel deal — is that when he became compromised by Russian security services? Trump’s punishment of Brennan is actually all about the Mueller probe. What does Trump’s willingness to snuggle up to Putin say about the self-avowed pussy-grabber? Steven Botticelli on queer Donald Trump and the paradoxes of power.