
Time to return

David E. Rowe (Deakin): Death Does Not Harm the One Who Dies Because There is No One to Harm. Twitter is not America: A new Pew study finds a gulf between the general population and Twitter users. The “caliphate” is defeated, but ISIS is just getting started. Emily Oster on the data all guilt-ridden parents need. From Vox, Burger King’s new Whopper is 0% beef — that’s a big deal (and more); and the unlikely partnership that might decide the future of meat: The country’s biggest meat companies are investing in vegan foods — here’s why. France’s gilets jaunes protests are the latest Western uprising against rule by technocratic insiders. It’s time to return black women to the center of the history of women’s suffrage. Can local news be saved?

Yvonne Tew (Georgetown): Stealth Theocracy. Marko Kovic (Zipar): The Future of Energy: Energy Prospects for a Budding Inter-planetary Civilization. Reagan’s supply-side warriors blaze a comeback under Trump. Atossa Araxia Abrahamian interviews Mark Sabbatini on what it’s like to run the Arctic’s alt-weekly newspaper. Christine Negroni on what people don’t get about why planes crash. The European Union is a liberal empire, and it is about to fall. In sports, everyone is a loser, eventually. David Roberts on Barcelona’s radical plan to take back streets from cars (in 5 parts). Do analytic and continental philosophy agree what “woman” is? Patrick Iber reviews How to Hide an Empire: A History of the Greater United States by Daniel Immerwahr (and more).