
The concept of a shared national ideal

Eric Crampton (Canterbury): Political Ignorance and Policy Preference. From Policy Options, Jeremy Kinsman on the eternal Russian question. From FP, Moises Naim on 3 myths about Venezuela and why the oil crash won’t keep Chavez up at night; and an interview with former Brazilian president Fernando Henrique Cardoso on the U.S. war on drugs. Eric Werker on how globalization's losers win. From Vanity Fair, along with millions of jobs and 401(k)s, the concept of a shared national ideal is said to be dying — but is the American Dream really endangered, or has it simply been misplaced? The secret history of Bear Stearns' collapse: An excerpt from William Cohan's House of Cards: A Tale of Hubris and Wretched Excess on Wall Street. An interview with Nick Montfort on Atari and the deep history of video games. A case for American Dynasties: Sometimes, bestowing power on a family name makes sense. Mad and madder: Nicholas Lemann on what anger doesn’t solve. From Magazine Rack, on the battle of the women's service mags: Good Housekeeping vs. Ladies' Home Journal. From The New Criterion, Christophobia on the march: A review of Encyclopedia of Christian Civilization; Anthony Daniels is Boxing with Mailer: On the ignoble science of boxing's hangers-on; and more on The Future of Liberalism by Alan Wolfe (and more).