
Among stereotype-busting women

A review of You've Come a Long Way, Maybe: Sarah, Michelle, Hillary, and the Shaping of the New American by Leslie Sanchez and When Everything Changed: The Amazing Journey of American Women from 1960 to the Present by Gail Collins (and more). Don't just swallow it: Linda Hirschman on what women could learn from how the gay rights movement plays politics. Naomi Wolf on the achievement myth. From The Atlantic, not just chick flicks, the movies of Nora Ephron and Nancy Meyers defy categorization and provide a sentimental education for everyone (and a look at 7 popular "chick flicks" that secretly hate women). Pick your poison: Two recent studies find more Xena than imperiled Penelope among stereotype-busting women. Average Janes: To save feminism, get rid of the lady blogs. Why are so many women connecting on social networks, but not as involved in social news sites like Digg and Reddit? When mean girls go digital: Tips for handling social tech, from Rosalind Wiseman, author of Queen Bees and Wannabes. Steven Schlozman on when your daughter does the hair-flip. Feminist books for five-year-olds: Can you radicalise young children in a few easy reads? Viv Groskop gives it her best shot. A review of Feminism, Inc.: Coming of Age in Girl Power Media Culture by Emilie Zaslow. A review of The Modern Girl around the World: Consumption, Modernity, and Globalization. A review of The Supergirls: Fashion, Feminism, Fantasy, and the History of Comic Book Heroines by Mike Madrid. Why do girls love unicorns? It’s more than just the horn (and here are 20 pictures of badass unicorns).