
Suspicion of religion with sympathy

The Church on a justice mission: On the front lines of the battle against sex trafficking and forced prostitution. When Christians get it wrong: How to repair the damage done by Christians acting unChristianly. We’ve been victims of a linguistic hijacking — words that depict religious faith at its highest ideal have been usurped by those who depict it at its lowest. Frank Cocozzelli on the politics of schism in the Catholic Church. Atheists often point out that religious faith is closed off to evidence that contradicts it — what evidence would persuade atheists that their atheism was mistaken? A review of Jesus Christ Today: The Historical Shaping of Jesus for the Twenty-First Century by Edgar McKnight. Trailer trash truths: Jason Zwiker on the problem with the prosperity gospel. How an unholy alliance of Catholics, Mormons, and evangelicals seeks to control our lives. The traditional Rosary will endure, just as the traditional Mass will endure, no matter how few Catholics remain devoted to it at present. Auguste Comte attempted to reconcile suspicion of religion with sympathy for its ritual by founding the secular faith of positivism, a precursor to humanism. Many successful professionals are also Mormons, which is being embraced by the elite in spite of its reputation. A review of Why I Am Not an Arminian by Robert Peterson and Michael Williams. Faith and Foolishness: Religious leaders should be held accountable when their irrational ideas turn harmful.