
Life of the Right

From National Affairs, William Schambra on conservatism and the quest for community. A review of Justin Vaisse's Neoconservatism: The Biography of a Movement (and more). More on Running Commentary: The Contentious Magazine That Turned the Jewish Left into the Neoconservative Right by Benjamin Balint. Neoconservatives throw an awesome cocktail party. An interview with Paul Gottfried on economics, neo-cons and the future of the managerial state. People usually don't like it when things that are close to them are attacked for someone else's benefit — so why doesn't everyone join the traditionalists and overthrow the technocrats? Hans-Hermann Hoppe on life on the Right. An interview with Jim and Ellen Hubbard, founders of American Film Renaissance, on why conservatives should engage popular culture. Grisly Mamas: Conservative housewives have the same desire for power and respect that liberal women do — no wonder women comprise half of the Tea Party movement. Ageing lefties in denial: A study is being used to support the theory many educated, middle-aged left-wingers are in fact conservatives who can't admit it. Matt Labash on living like a liberal: It’s hard work, politicizing your whole life. The Liberal Mind: Psychologist Timothy C. Daughtry explains how such a minority (30%) in the United States has been able to impose its politics on the majority (and more). From Zocalo Public Square, is conservatism over?