
The click and the dead

From H-Net, a review of Toward an International History of Lynching. From The Economist, do-it-yourself or hire-a-pro: A review of Made By Hand: Searching For Meaning in a Throwaway World by Mark Frauenfelder and The Case for Working With Your Hands by Matthew Crawford; and the click and the dead: E-commerce favours large companies but only because that is what people want. Spoiled brats: Are kids really lamer than they used to be? From International Socialist Review, Eric Kerl on contemporary anarchism. The Taxonomy of the Nerd: Non-nerds often fail to understand that not all nerds are created equal, with four distinct subspecies of nerd. From 3 Quarks Daily, Ashley Mears on how supermodels are like toxic assets. The oil-soaked are least likely to favor regulation: Fear of unemployment leads places blighted by oil or coal to hold on all the tighter to those industries. Ben Scarlato on the policy implications of happiness research. Lately, it seems like we see civilization crushed into rubble every other week, but why the sudden rise? It’s not because we want to be scared, it’s because we find post-apocalyptic movies reassuring. A review of Bonfire of Illusions: The Twin Crises of the Liberal World by Alex Callinicos. Carmela Ciuraru reviews Light Boxes by Shane Jones. About those unpaid internships: TAP talks with Dalton Conley about a Department of Labor crackdown on the intern racket.